MISSING: James Nestor Candy (2017) - Vegreville, AB
By S.M.
Published June 30, 2020
James Nestor Candy
Missing since August 6, 2017
Vegreville, Alberta
Age at Disappearance: 17
James Nestor Candy
Missing since August 6, 2017 from Vegreville, Alberta
Support the Search for James Candy:
Sometime between 11 p.m. on August 6, 2017, and 9:30 a.m. the next morning, 17-year-old James Candy crawled out of his bedroom window on his family’s farm in Vegreville, Alberta, and disappeared.
James is the youngest of six siblings. His parents described him as “quiet and normal” with a “wicked sense of humour.” He loves baseball, animals, and his dog Reggie. Earlier that day, James’ mother had discovered a small amount of marijuana in his jacket pocket. Contrary to some reports, there was no argument. Three years earlier, James’ older brother died of alcohol poisoning. His parents told him their concerns about addiction and that drug use in the home was not permitted. James loved life on the farm and had been interested in riding the rodeo. If he wanted to pursue it, he would be drug tested.
By the end of the conversation, James had made plans with his father for the next day. He and his parents said “I love you.” James went to bed. When his father checked his room in the morning, it was filled with mosquitoes. The window was open and James was nowhere to be found. He’d taken his lariat – a rope used to lasso animals – and left a suicide note on his desk.
James’ family and the RCMP immediately launched a widespread search over 3 to 4 days, involving trained dogs and helicopters. Nothing was found.
James is described as 5’8” tall with short blonde hair, blue eyes and a scar on his right knee due to a chainsaw accident.
For several years prior to his disappearance, James had been relentlessly bullied at school due to his size. Although his parents tried to intervene on several occasions, the school did nothing to help.
The summer he vanished, James faced several setbacks; he had difficulty getting his license, he didn’t get a job he’d been looking forward to, and he found out his feelings for a young woman were not reciprocated.
There have been several unconfirmed sightings of James; one was at a Walmart in Calgary. In December 2017, his parents received a threatening message to James’ personal Facebook account: “James, if you’re still out there, I hope you answer this or I’ll be waiting at your front door until your parents go missing too.” The true identity of the person, the intent of the message, and what – if anything – they know about James’ disappearance remains unknown. Facebook would not cooperate with Canadian investigators.
What happened to James Candy?
If James did take his life, why was nothing ever found?
Did he plan to meet someone on that late summer night? Did he start over somewhere new? James Candy’s family has conducted countless ground searches, hired private investigators and continue to share his poster wherever they go. There is no evidence that James is in Vegreville. Where did he go?
Please help his family find the answers they deserve. Every tip counts.
Area last seen:
Contact Information:
If you have any information about James Candy, his disappearance
or his whereabouts, please contact:
Vegreville RCMP: 780-632-2223
Reference Case#: 20171042779